Overall principles and possibilities of ТBМ-Logicon:
Every day Producer receives information about stock remains, forecasts of sales and purchases, delivery discipline, reclamations and short-deliveries.
TBM-Logicon system involves two levels of the integration:

Information exchange
Providing the information to Producer through program product TBM-Logicon about logistical parameters.
There is no need to improve the ERP system of the Producer. You only need to receive the login and password to enter the system
You only need to receive the login and password to enter the system

Automatic data exchange.
This option makes it possible to load the infrormation in or out of the ERP system of the Producer with a certain frequency without the direct participation of the system users. There is no need in manual input of information that makes it possible to reduce labor efforts, to minimize possible mistakes, to increase reaction speed of the system for demand changes and to reduce delivery terms.
For the moment next features are available: automated request, confirmation and invoice exchange, online exchange of the information concerning changed delivery terms and the reasons of short-deliveries if delay of the delivery takes place.